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The Friendly Planet Newsletter

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You can expect periodic emails from us as per the frequency and topics listed above, as well as occasional surveys, contests, or notices. At any point, you may change the frequency of the emails we send you.

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Of course, if you've purchased travel, submitted a request for proposal, requested a catalog, or contacted us with a question or request, we may contact you separately in relation to those. To learn more about how we collect, use, and safeguard your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Past issues

Discovering Asia Sep 26, 2023
Travel now & save! Sep 23, 2023
New Itinerary Sep 19, 2023
* Advertised prices may include an "Instant Savings" discount and/or sale discount, available for a limited time. Prices reflect these discounts. Advertised prices are per person, based on double occupancy; single occupancy rooms may be available for an additional charge. Advertised prices are the best available based on the least expensive travel dates, departure city, and other options, and do not include optional excursions or other optional items. Your total price will vary based upon the dates, flights, and other options you select during the booking process. For packages including flights, prices include Airline Taxes, Fees & Sept. 11th Security Fee, but do not include excess baggage fees or advance seat reservations. Prices and availability subject to change. More about our prices.

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